var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'), context = canvas.getContext('2d'), mode = 'normal', frameColor = 'black', beadColor = 'ivory', beadSound = document.getElementById('beadSound'), activeColor = 'sienna', numberOfRodsElement = document.getElementById('numberOfRods'), resetButton = document.getElementById('reset'), goButton = document.getElementById('go'), repeatButton = document.getElementById('repeat'), clockMode = false, hths = 0, secs = 0, mins = 0, hours = 0, startChrono = 0, msPassed = 0, stoppedAt = 0, numberToPut, DISTANCE_RODS = 60, TOP_MARGIN = 60, NUMBER_HEIGHT = 20, top_frame, LEFT_MARGIN = 10, FRAME_LINE_WIDTH = 10, ROD_STROKE_STYLE = 'rgba(212,85,0,0.5)', ROD_LINE_WIDTH = 6, DOT_STROKE_STYLE = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)', DOT_FILL_STYLE = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)', DOT_SIZE = 3, BEAD_WIDTH = 56, BEAD_HEIGHT = 30, BEAD_STROKE = 'black', HEAVEN = BEAD_HEIGHT * 2 + FRAME_LINE_WIDTH, EARTH = BEAD_HEIGHT * 5, HEIGHT = HEAVEN + EARTH + FRAME_LINE_WIDTH, abacus = null, intervalId=null, chronoTime=0, messageOkButton=document.getElementById('messageOkButton'); messageNoMoreCheckbox=document.getElementById('messageNoMoreCheckbox'); // Constructors var Abacus = function(numberOfRods, mode, frameColor, showNumbers, clockMode) { var rods = []; for (var i = 0; i < numberOfRods; i++) { var beads = []; var rod = new Rod(i+1, beads, 0, false); for (var j = 0; j < 5; j++) { var bead; if (j == 0) { bead = new Bead(rod, true, j, false); } else { bead = new Bead(rod, false, j, false); } beads.push(bead); } rods.push(rod); } this.numberOfRods = numberOfRods; this.rods = rods; this.mode = mode; this.frameColor = frameColor; this.showNumbers = showNumbers; this.middleRod = Math.floor(numberOfRods / 2) + 1; this.width = DISTANCE_RODS * (numberOfRods + 1 ); if (clockMode) { this.hideClockUselessRods(); } } var Rod = function(position, beads, value) { this.position = position; this.beads = beads; this.value = 0; this.disabled = false; this.invisible = false; } var Bead = function(rod, heaven, order, active) { this.rod = rod; this.heaven = heaven; this.order = order; = active; }; var Point = function(x, y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; }; // Prototypes Abacus.prototype = { drawFrame: function() {; context.strokeStyle = frameColor; context.lineWidth = FRAME_LINE_WIDTH; context.shadowColor = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)'; context.shadowOffsetX = 3; context.shadowOffsetY = 3; context.shadowBlur = 8; context.beginPath(); context.rect(LEFT_MARGIN, top_frame, this.width, HEIGHT); context.moveTo(LEFT_MARGIN + FRAME_LINE_WIDTH / 2, top_frame + HEAVEN); context.lineTo(LEFT_MARGIN + this.width - FRAME_LINE_WIDTH / 2, top_frame + HEAVEN); context.stroke(); var middle = Math.floor(this.numberOfRods/ 2); context.lineWidth = 1; context.strokeStyle = DOT_STROKE_STYLE; context.fillStyle = DOT_FILL_STYLE; for (var i = 0, x = LEFT_MARGIN + DISTANCE_RODS; i < this.numberOfRods; ++i, x += DISTANCE_RODS) { // Dot in this and this +- 3 if ((i - middle) % 3 === 0) { context.beginPath(); context.arc(x, top_frame + HEAVEN, DOT_SIZE, 0, Math.PI * 2, false); context.fill(); context.stroke(); } } context.restore(); }, drawRods : function() {; context.strokeStyle = ROD_STROKE_STYLE; context.lineWidth = ROD_LINE_WIDTH; for (var i = 0, x = LEFT_MARGIN + DISTANCE_RODS; i < this.numberOfRods; ++i, x += DISTANCE_RODS) { var rod = this.rods[i]; rod.draw(); } context.restore(); }, draw: function() {; top_frame = TOP_MARGIN + NUMBER_HEIGHT; canvas.height = top_frame + HEIGHT + 10; context.clearRect(0,0,canvas.width, canvas.height); this.drawRods(); this.drawFrame(); context.restore(); }, reset: function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.numberOfRods; i++) { var rod = this.rods[i]; rod.reset(); } abacus.showNumbers = true; }, hideClockUselessRods: function() { this.rods[this.numberOfRods -3].invisible = true; this.rods[this.numberOfRods -6].invisible = true; this.rods[this.numberOfRods -9].invisible = true; }, showClockUselessRods: function() { this.rods[this.numberOfRods -3].invisible = false; this.rods[this.numberOfRods -6].invisible = false; this.rods[this.numberOfRods -9].invisible = false; }, disableAllRods: function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.numberOfRods; i++) { var rod = this.rods[i]; rod.disabled = true; } } } Rod.prototype = { drawBeads : function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.beads.length; i++){ this.beads[i].draw(context); } }, drawRod : function() {; context.strokeStyle = ROD_STROKE_STYLE; context.lineWidth = ROD_LINE_WIDTH; if (this.invisible) { context.globalAlpha = 0; } else if (this.disabled) { context.globalAlpha = 0.1; } else { context.globalAlpha = 1; } context.shadowColor = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)'; context.shadowOffsetX = 3; context.shadowOffsetY = 3; context.shadowBlur = 8; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(this.evalXPos(), top_frame); context.lineTo(this.evalXPos(), top_frame + HEIGHT); context.stroke(); context.restore(); }, draw : function() { this.drawRod(); this.drawBeads(); if (abacus.showNumbers) { this.writeValue(); } }, evalXPos : function() { return LEFT_MARGIN + this.position * DISTANCE_RODS; }, reset : function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.beads.length; i++){ this.beads[i].reset(); } this.value = 0; }, writeValue: function() { if (this.invisible) { context.globalAlpha = 0; } else if (this.disabled) { context.globalAlpha = 0.1; } else { context.globalAlpha = 1; } context.font="bold 40px Courier New, Courier, monospace"; context.textAlign="center"; context.lineWidth=1; context.shadowColor = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.2)'; context.shadowOffsetX = 3; context.shadowOffsetY = 3; context.shadowBlur = 8; //context.fillStyle='rgba(153,76,0,1)'; context.fillStyle='rgba(92,1,32,1)'; context.strokeStyle='rgba(92,1,32,1)'; context.fillText(this.value,this.evalXPos(),TOP_MARGIN); context.strokeText(this.value,this.evalXPos(),TOP_MARGIN); } } Bead.prototype = { getPoints : function() { var points = [], center = this.evalPosition(); points.push(new Point(center.x - BEAD_WIDTH / 2, center.y)); // . points.push(new Point(center.x + BEAD_WIDTH / 2, center.y)); // ____ points.push(new Point(center.x + BEAD_WIDTH / 6, center.y - BEAD_HEIGHT / 2)); // ____\ // __ points.push(new Point(center.x - BEAD_WIDTH / 6, center.y - BEAD_HEIGHT / 2)); // ____\ // __ points.push(new Point(center.x - BEAD_WIDTH / 2, center.y)); // /____\ // __ points.push(new Point(center.x - BEAD_WIDTH / 6, center.y + BEAD_HEIGHT / 2)); // /____\ // \ // __ points.push(new Point(center.x + BEAD_WIDTH / 6, center.y + BEAD_HEIGHT / 2)); // /____\ // \ __ // __ points.push(new Point(center.x + BEAD_WIDTH / 2, center.y)); // /____\ // \ __ / return points; }, evalPosition : function() {// returns the central point of the bead; var x = LEFT_MARGIN + this.rod.position * DISTANCE_RODS, y = undefined; if (this.heaven) { if ( { y = top_frame + HEAVEN - BEAD_HEIGHT / 2 - FRAME_LINE_WIDTH / 2; } else { y = top_frame + BEAD_HEIGHT / 2 + FRAME_LINE_WIDTH / 2; } } else {//earth if ( { y = top_frame + HEAVEN + (this.order - 1) * BEAD_HEIGHT + BEAD_HEIGHT / 2 + FRAME_LINE_WIDTH / 2; } else { y = top_frame + HEAVEN + this.order * BEAD_HEIGHT + BEAD_HEIGHT / 2 + FRAME_LINE_WIDTH / 2; } } return new Point(x, y); }, createPath : function(context) { var points = this.getPoints(); context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(points[0].x, points[0].y); for (var i = 1; i < points.length; ++i) { context.lineTo(points[i].x, points[i].y); } }, draw : function(context) {; context.shadowColor = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)'; context.shadowOffsetX = 3; context.shadowOffsetY = 3; context.shadowBlur = 8; if ( { context.fillStyle = activeColor; } else { context.fillStyle = beadColor; } if (this.rod.invisible) { context.globalAlpha = 0; } else if (this.rod.disabled) { context.globalAlpha = 0.1; } else { context.globalAlpha = 1; } context.strokeStyle = BEAD_STROKE; context.lineWidth = 1; this.createPath(context); context.fill(); context.stroke(); context.restore(); }, erase: function(context) {; context.lineWidth = 0; context.fillStyle = "rgba(255,255,255,0)"; this.createPath(context); context.fill(); context.stroke(); context.restore(); }, reset: function() { = false; } }; // Functions.............................................. function windowToCanvas(x, y) { var bbox = canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x: x - bbox.left * (canvas.width / bbox.width), y: y - * (canvas.height / bbox.height) }; } function saveDrawingSurface() { drawingSurfaceImageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); } function restoreDrawingSurface() { context.putImageData(drawingSurfaceImageData, 0, 0); } function resetAbacus() { abacus = new Abacus(abacus.numberOfRods, abacus.mode, abacus.frameColor, isNumbersActive, clockMode); } function getBead(rod, heaven, order) { for (var i = 0; i < rod.beads.length; i++) { if (rod.beads[i].heaven === heaven && rod.beads[i].order === order) { return rod.beads[i]; } } } // Event handlers................................................................. function clickOrTouch(e) { if (mode == 'normal') { var loc = windowToCanvas(e.clientX, e.clientY); var found = false; for (var i = 0; i < abacus.numberOfRods && !found; i++) { var currentRod = abacus.rods[i]; for(var j = 0; j < currentRod.beads.length && !found; j++) { var currentBead = currentRod.beads[j]; currentBead.createPath(context); if (context.isPointInPath(loc.x, loc.y)) { found = true; //if (soundActive) {; //} clickedBead(currentBead); } } } context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); //drawAbacus(); abacus.draw(); //_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Normal', 'Click']); } } canvas.onclick = clickOrTouch; numberOfRodsElement.onchange = function(e) { abacus.numberOfRods = parseInt(numberOfRodsElement.value); abacus.width = DISTANCE_RODS * (abacus.numberOfRods + 1 ); canvas.width = abacus.width + 2 * LEFT_MARGIN; localStorage.setItem("numberOfRods", numberOfRodsElement.selectedIndex); resetAbacus(); abacus.draw(); }; resetButton.onclick = function(e) { // = 'none'; //if (modeElement.value == 'game1') { //showButton.disabled = true; //goButton.disabled = false; //} stoppedAt = 0; resetAbacus(); abacus.draw(); }; // Calculations............................................................... function writeNumberInAbacus(number, unitsRod, disabling) { // Convert the number to string to make calculations easier if (disabling) { abacus.disableAllRods(); } var toWrite = number.toString(); for (var i = 0; i < toWrite.length; i++) { var rodPosition = unitsRod - toWrite.length + i; if (disabling) { abacus.rods[rodPosition].disabled = false; } putNumberInRod(toWrite.substring(i,i+1), rodPosition); } } function clickedBead(bead) { if (bead.heaven) { if ( { = false; bead.rod.value -= 5; } else { = true; bead.rod.value += 5; } } else { if ( { = false; bead.rod.value--; for (var i = bead.order + 1; i <= 4; i++) { var nextBead = getBead(bead.rod, false, i); if ( { = false; nextBead.rod.value--; } } } else { = true; bead.rod.value++; for (var i = 1; i < bead.order; i++) { var nextBead = getBead(bead.rod, false, i); if (! { = true; nextBead.rod.value++; } } } } return; } function putNumberInRod(number, rodNumber) { abacus.rods[rodNumber].reset(); if (number > 0) { if (number <= 4) { clickedBead(abacus.rods[rodNumber].beads[number]); } else if (number == 5) { clickedBead(abacus.rods[rodNumber].beads[0]); } else if (number < 10) { clickedBead(abacus.rods[rodNumber].beads[0]); clickedBead(abacus.rods[rodNumber].beads[number-5]); } else { } } //drawAbacus(); abacus.draw(); } // Initialization.................................................................. //resetAbacus(); abacus = new Abacus(numberOfRods, 'normal', frameColor, false, false); var lastMessageDate=localStorage.getItem("lastMessageDate"); modeIndex = localStorage.getItem("mode"); frameColorIndex = localStorage.getItem("frameColor"), numberOfRodsIndex = localStorage.getItem("numberOfRods"), isChronoActive = localStorage.getItem("chronoActive"), isNumbersActive = true, numberOfRodsElement.selectedIndex = numberOfRodsIndex; numberOfRodsElement.onchange.apply(); localStorage.removeItem('showStartMessage'); if (lastMessageDate === null || lastMessageDate != '20140216') { //'inline'; } else { //'none'; }